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News & Sundry

Lilit off Base


Being female in a world of dudes

A first person adventure/shooter game in development where all interactions are based on real testimonies of cat calling or street harrassment.


Follow the project on instagram or visit our web:

Supported by the Swedish Arts Grants Committee



15/8 - 20/8

Studio 44

Cornelia Isaksson, Fredrik Fermelin, Louise Lindvall

Gäster: Internet, Studio Støk

Performance: "SpaceShipOne"

Extasens brott är inte dess underbara, förskräckliga våldsamhet utan att den i sin essens är opresentabel och därmed förvränger idén om självbevarelse som grunden för ett rationellt samhälle. Häri ligger rusets skandal, inte i njutningen eller farligheten utan i övergivandet av det offentliga och inträdet i det enskilda. En upplevelse utan sanning.

15/8, 18/8, 20/8

En god idé / A good idea

Performance på Index 4:e maj

"Har du fördomar? Vi vet att också du skulle vilja ha medborgerlig gemenskap istället för konsumentsamhällets råa exploatering av den enskilda och ett sammanhang där prekariatet inte alls lever under prekära sociala villkor utan tvärtom är de som i varje ögonblick kan öppna dörren till en existentiell prekaritet? Som tur är finns det en lösning. Tillsammans kan vi resa till en plats där valfriheten lämnar plats för verklig frihet, en plats där vi kan bygga ett hållbart samhälle. Låt oss fara till ett land där solen skiner och kärleken vandrar mellan jämställda och jämlika. Nej, vi menar inte Sverige. Glöm Sverige."

Curator: Lars-Erik Hjerström Lappalainen

Searching for Printzhof

Catch my performance lecture on the artistic research project Nova Suecia during PALS (Performance Art Links) at Fylkingen, 31:st of October. Doors open at 18:00.

Nova Suecia


During August 2015 I am away on a research project (funded by Gålöstiftelsen) concerning New Sweden, the swedish short-lived colony on the Delaware riverside.

Kom ihåg (att du ska dö)



"Tomheten är vad som gäckar människan, lyckligtvis är skogen full av hemligheter. Någon väntar på dig där ute. Kom ensam, om du vågar."


Performance at TRV:s one day festival in Bondhälla Skog, 8th of August, the whole festival runs 14 - 05, my performance 20-23. Ticket price according to income.

Tecknets Dimension


"Vet du att jag läste en gång om en kvinna, som varje gång hon blundade såg för sitt inre en svärm av bin..."


The ruling order is the order of the Sign(s), and that is what the first exhibition at Galleri Residens in 2015 will be about. Friday the 8th of May the public will be given a unique opportunity to see what goes on beneath the surface; through the buzz and rumble, where faces are at the same time covered and visible. For three hours they can visit the underbelly of the world where mystique, melancholy, staggering attempts at establishing proof of God's existence and semiotic cleansing (with a pungent smell of chloride) get mixed up in an exclusive, elusive mess.


To get to the exhibition, visitors must go to Alvik (metro station) and listen this sound file, guiding them to the location of the exhibition (in Swedish).



On Friday the 28th of November you'll find me at Konstnärshuset in Stockholm, taking part in the event PD 4: The Black Box  by Åsa Elieson. The event starts at 19:00 and is open ended, a pilot will be sent to the skies with one of the black boxes at 19:15 sharp, so make sure to be on time!


Konstnärshuset, Smålandsgatan 7 (Stockholm).

Well Somebody's Got to Do It - Copenhagen Edition


If you're in the cph area in August, please stop by for another edition of the performance lecture Well Somebody’s Got To do It (Nogen skal jo gøre det). Hosted by New Shelter Plan, the lecture will take place underground in the tunnels beneath Carlsberg on the 21st of August 2014.


Due to the limited number of places the visitors must book a time slot that suits them prior to the lecture by sending an e-mail to requesting a time between 17:00 and 21:00 on the 21st of August. Please write “Well Somebody’s Got to Do It” in the by-line and include your name and telephone number in the e-mail. 


Looking forward to seeing you.

It knows no decline / Den vet ingen nedgång


At Moderna Bar on the 13th of June I will share with the visitors a humorous yet somber tale about regal figurehead carver Johan Törnström, and his great grandfather's peculiar involvement in the décor of one of the grandest battleships in Nordic history. The story revolves around the Vasa mythos, touching on subjects like full spectrum dominance, the sovereign state, mighty seraphime blues and how the legendary maiden voyage may have had serious fundamental impacts on the Swedish language as we know it today.


9î4Ñ┼  ¢Γÿ$74l  ¢4√3


"Loosely based on a real love letter, 9î4Ñ┼  ¢Γÿ$74l  ¢4√3 will take us on a maniacal journey through the realms of deeply psychosexual clusterfuck aesthetics. It's an installation as well as a performance, all orchestrated with a beggar's fortune and the sanity of a deranged shut-in."


February 14-17

Hours: 17-20


In order for you to fully see this work you must send a text message stating your name and the title of the exhibition to +46703674062. Shortly after you will receive a confirmation text containing the address of the gallery and any other necessary information.



As always, I look forward to seeing you.


Performance at Kunstkonsulenter Launch


On Thursday December 12, Kunstkonsulenter is launching their new project in Copenhagen. I'm performing throughout the evening, just show up at the location between 17-22 and my art work will come and find you.


Vermlandsgade 75, c/o Another Space.





3, 2, 1 FIGHT!


November 8 - 30, 2013


Opening: November 8, 17:00 - 22:00. Fight 20:30


“…it is perhaps the case too that the desire is not merely to mimic but, magically, to be brute, primitive, instinctive, and therefore innocent. One might then be a person for whom the contest is not mere self-destructive play but life itself; and the world, not in spectacular and irrevocable decline, but new, fresh, vital, terrifying and exhilarating by turns, a place of wonders”. (On Boxing, Joyce Carol Oates, 1987)


3, 2, 1 FIGHT! is a sculptural installation, an audio visual performance, a violent, voyeuristic spectacle and an exercise in strength, agility and stamina all at once. It celebrates the attack, domination and animal panic, it worships struggle and attempts to force you into complete submission using only its hands and body – a modern day mythopoeic metaphor for a fight to the death. It is in love with mastery, physical prowess and mutual respect. It demands attention, needs you to listen and work those sharp reflexes. It wants to choke you until you tap out.


Each Friday there will be a live action event where another brave fighter is invited to enter the hexagon and spar with the artist. The rules are simple, strikes are allowed to the body but not to the head, a fighter may be submitted through joint locks and chokes to the side of the neck, however, eye poking, small joint manipulation and windpipe techniques are forbidden. 


Other than that, anything goes.



Kasern III at The Royal Institute of Art


21st - 24th of October 2013


Galleri Mejan (Exercisplan 3, Skeppsholmen)


During The Royal Institute of Art's annual research week my Master's Thesis Kasern III will be available for proper gaming in Galleri Mejan. For detailed information on the programming (presentations and discussions are all free to the public) visit the research week web site:



Tekstilorganismer i slowmotion, zebra-origami, elektronisk flamingo, spoken word, minimalistisk og esoterisk materialisme, kropslige illusioner, intimfortællinger og meget mere er på programmet, når Kunstforeningen GL STRAND den 29. august afholder ONE NIGHT ONLY.

ONE NIGHT ONLY er en unik chance for at nyde en sensommeraften med mad og drikke i GL STRANDs smukke gård, og samtidig få et indblik i, hvad der rører sig lige nu på den danske performancescene. Hele aftenen, fra kl. 16 – 22, vil publikum kunne opleve en bred vifte af performances i gården, som denne aften danner scene for et omfattende liveprogram med et mix af yngre talenter og mere etablerede kunstnere på tværs af kunstgenrene.


Gratis adgang til gården.

Adgang fra Læderstræde 15 og fra Gl. Strand 48.
Entré til udstillingerne: 60 kr. / medlemmer gratis
Der er ekstraordinært åbent i udstillingerne til kl. 22.00 denne aften.


Medverkande: WØØW, Jens Blendstrup, Jonas Kjeldgaard Sørensen, Jette Hye Jin Mortensen, Louise Dahl-Lindvall, Christian Schmidt-Rasmussen, Sophie Dupont, Charlotte Grum, Electric Alhambra, Christina Marie Jespersen.

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